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Communal Elections In Saxony Afd Dominates County Elections

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Communal Elections in Saxony: AfD Dominates County Elections


On June 12, 2024, the people of Saxony were called upon to elect new county councils and city councils. The AfD party dominated the elections in several counties, securing a significant number of seats.


The communal elections in Saxony take place every five years and play a significant role in shaping local governance. This election marked a shift in the political landscape of the state, with the AfD emerging as a major force in many rural areas.

Election Results

The AfD party won the most votes in several counties, including Bautzen, Görlitz, and Meißen. They also made significant gains in other counties, including Leipzig and Zwickau. The CDU, the traditional ruling party in Saxony, suffered losses in many counties but retained control of several urban areas. The SPD and the Greens also made gains in some areas.


The 2024 communal elections in Saxony marked a turning point in the state's political landscape. The AfD's strong performance raised questions about the future direction of local governance and the balance of power between the established parties and the growing populist movement. The results of this election will shape the political dynamics in Saxony for years to come.

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